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ee it come alive! A Multimedia Interactive Introduction
to Talmud Study with a Master Lesson Plan for both children & adults. Animated
Talmud is an exciting new computer program that teaches Talmud through animation
sequences and interactive media, making the learning process enjoyable, easy,
and clear. Wouldn’t we all like to have difficult information made
understandable and presented to us on a silver platter? Now, with Animated
Talmud, you can see the Gemara come alive! Volume 1 of Animated Talmud,
"Introduction to the Talmud" provides an overview of the Oral Tradition of the
Torah, its development and codification in the Mishna, Gemara, and the Codes of
Jewish Law. The student encounters the Torah personalities and formative events
of the Talmudic tradition, while acquiring the basic skills necessary for
eginning Talmud study. Providing the student with full of amazing facts,
insights, and challenging exercises to help the student fully integrate the
information presented in
the program. Animted Talmud is not a replacement for
diligent study. Rather, it is a tool for opening the student's heart and mind to
the Talmud, and for overcoming the sense of disorientation and confusion felt by
many beginning Talmud students. Join us in the learning of tomorrow! An Overview
of the Program: The full program when complete will include a total of #15
Lessons. Each lesson has 5-10 minutes of scroll animation. You can view now most
of them on line. After each scroll there is an additional 10 minuet talking
caricature explanations. Teaching the history of the Jewish people and show what
led our sages to put their thoughts into writing. Learning all the terminology
of the Talmud, including how the pages are set up, and what we like to call, the
‘mechanics’ of the Talmud.What’s inside… Each learning sequence contains: "
Animated stories, explanations, and dialogues. " Important facts about the
Talmud and its history. " Meetings with Torah Sages of the past. " Definitions
of key words and concepts. " Interactive modules and self testing.Features... l
Over two hundred minutes of animation sequences! l Fully envisioned game
environment! l Hundreds of sound effects! l High quality vector Art! l Knowledge
you won't find elsewhere! For our children... P Provides accessible Torah based
role models. P Encourages self development and spiritual character. P Stresses
the importance of love and awe of Hashem. P Encourages the student’s own search
for truth.Thank you for being a part of this exciting new program, Animated
Talmud. The first volume we are developing is the Talmud Tutorial - a beginner
for all ages. Our target audience begins with 4th graders, but all ages will
enjoy learning from it as well.Originally, we had planned to begin with “Eilu
Metziot,” the chapter with which most students begin when studying Gemarah.
However, after speaking with many educators, the importance of first teaching
the basics of the Talmud’s history became apparent. A well rounded introduction,
we discovered, would set the foundation for all future learning. For example:
‘How did the Talmud evolve?’ and ‘What are the basic terms one needs to know in
order to study the Talmud?’ Commonly used terms, such as Torah Sheb’al Peh,
Tannaim, Amoraim, Mishna and Gemarah, are key to Talmud study. Benny Goldstein
Founder and Project co-cordinator Benny@AnimatedTalmud.com Benny Goldstein has
extensive training and skills in the use of digital media and in the creation of
interactive programs. Deeply concerned about the future of Jewish education, he
founded the Animated Talmud project, to assist today’s students grapple with the
intricacies of the Talmud without loosing the traditional depth and flavor of
the learning. He single-handedly developed the programming for making a page of
Talmud interact with the student, and seeks to expand Animated Talmud into a
complete virtual learning experience! Moshe Glick Artist and Animator
mosh_arte@yahoo.com A graduate of Bet Ahiezer yeshiva in Ashkelon and a student
of the renowned Israeli painter, Hannah Raviv, Moshe Glick is an accomplished
portraitist and a virtuoso of the virtual art media. He is also a guitarist and
composer. He dedicates himself to researching Mussar texts, those which chart
the path for psycho-spiritual development. He lives in Ashkelon, Israel with his
wife and young daughter. Rabbi Nathan Glick Researcher and Scriptwriter
OrHahechal@hotmail.com Rabbi Nathan is prominent Talmudist and Jewish
Philosopher, firmly rooted in both the Yeshiva worlds and its traditions, yet
conversant in the world of academia and modern scholarship. His innovative
methods for understanding and teaching Talmud are reflected in the originality
of his writing for Animated Talmud. He lives in Ashkelon, Israel and is married
with five grown children. Eugene Weisberg Narrator & vocie over Mail@Eugenew.com
Eugene Weisberg grew up New York City where he studied speech and drama, gaining
extensive experience as an actor, radio host and voice-over narrator. Now living
in Israel with his wife and four children, he divides his time between Torah
study and performing magic. His minimalist form of stagecraft has won acclaim
for its skillful use of audience participation and suggestion. Oren Eytan Audio
Engineer and Song Producer OrenEytan@gmail.com One of Israel’s most prominent
and talented masters of sound technique, Oren Eytan’s state of the art recording
studio has generated some of the most innovative sounds in today’s music. Oren
has producedsongs by many of great names of the contemporary Israeli music
scene, in styles ranging from Folk to Mediterranean and beyond. Rabbi Gerald
Goldstein Sponsoring Orgnzation RabbiGG@gmail.com Rabbi Gerald Goldstein came to
Israel in the early 70’s to help with the establishment of Diaspora Yeshiva as
world Center of Scholarship and Torah. Over the years he has helped nurture
institutes of advanced study, children’s schools, vocational training centers,
and even a sports facility for an isolated town. Today he dedicates his energies
championing the authenticity and holiness of Mt Zion
(located on the southern high-ground of the Old City in Jerusalem) as a true
Davidic site and as the traditional place of King David’s Tomb. Here are some
answers to questions you might have: Q. Is this the finished program? The
Introduction to the Talmud once finished will include a total of #15 Lessons.
Each lesson has 5 minutes of scroll animation. You can view most of them now on
line. Coming soon - After each scroll there is an additional 10 minuet talking
caricature explanation. Q. Am I able to see Actual learning animation? Actual
learning animation, seeing the caricatures arguing back and forth from a real
Gemarh, will only come in Volume 2 of animated Talmud Chapter Elu Metziot. Q.
When can I expect to see the rest of the lessons on line? We are working as
diligently as we can. If you have signed up to receive our newsletter, you
will be notified as we post new animation during the upcoming months. Q. Which
gedolim and
mechanchim are supporting this concept? Animated Talmud is
under the auspices of Harav Mordechai Goldstein of Diaspora Yeshiva in Eretz
Yisrael, who lends his full endorsement and support of the program.Before the
final version of the program is ready for distribution, we will present it to
various other gedolim for their review and haskamot. Q. A few have asked:
What happened to Eisek Hatorah & Amailut which is a critical aspect of Talmud
Torah? We are trying to make our holy Talmud accessible to all Jews in all walks
of life. Have you ever seen a learning challenged child struggle to make sense
of all the words floating by on a page of Talmud? Is this child's Jewish soul
not as important as yours or mine? True learning, Eisek Hatorah and amailut can
only happen once the basics are understood. The rewarding struggle that goes on
when truly delving into the Talmud will only happen once the original concept is
"chapped". Then, in depth discussion can take place. Animated Talmud is an
introduction to the basics. Imagine how much more learning can take place once
the basic mishna & concepts are understood through some visual aid that will
without a doubt, stay in your mind forever. Q. Where can I order the program?
When the program comes out you will be able to order it right here on our web
site or from Judaica stores near you. Q. I have a child with learning
disabilities. Will this program be good for him? This program is excellent for
such a child. It is visually oriented and rich with character animation. So far,
every young student who saw the sample was captivated by what he saw and was
able to remember what he learned easily and clearly. That is the beauty of the
program. It appeals to children of all types and abilities as well as adults,
reaching across all barriers, making the Talmud accessible to everyone. Q. Do
you have more of a demo than what is currently available online? Not right now.
However, we would be happy to email a beta version of certain sections to those
who are interested in critiquing constructively and think that they may have
something to add to the final version of the program. Q. My son is going in to
the first grade. Can I give him the program too? Yes. Aside from all the other
learning features, one can also sit back and watch the entire page of gemarah
from start to finish like a movie. Not only is every minute of viewing time
educational, it is also entertaining. Q. I'm interested in the business aspect
of the project as I may be willing to invest the funds if the math works. Is
this possible? People who wish to invest want a large return on their money and
they don't want to mix investments with something that is more appealing to
their emotions, doing good in the world etc. In that sense, the math does not
work out for Animated Talmud. We now seek sponsors for the program. If you are
interested, and would like to see your name on the program, please check out our
sponsor link. If you are interested in investing in something that could be
quite lucrative and Jewish I will send you other great ideas that I have. Q.
Is this program only on the internet or on CD too? Currently, it will only be
offered over the internet. Q. When will the whole shas be finished? Probably
not before the new Daf Yomi cycle is finished! Discussions I had with people
over email about Animated Talmud: Q. Is it possible for Torah to be disseminated
on the web when most of cyberspace is a makom tumah? Is Torah that comes through
this medium affected in a negative way and thus unable to truly penetrate the
hearts of those learning online? Q. Those who have spent much time learning
Torah can tell you that the main success of learning comes through "amailus
b'Torah". With music, sound and animation one might see the words "come to life"
but without the "amailus" will the learner "come to life"? Q. Are you afraid
that by bringing Jews to this site you are bringing them to the internet in
general, which for most people is a nisoyin that cannot be handled without
falling into dangerous other sites? Coming from a Yeshiva environment, and
knowing what is to be a secular Jew, you cannot ignore the fact of amelut in
torah. But I do have a few answers that you could choose to accept or not, it’s
just one Jewish man’s thought on the matter. Did you know that when Rabbi Yehuda
Hanasi wrote the Mishnayot it wasn’t accepted all over, and people had the same
concern you did back then too. And later when Rashi came out – same reaction
from Jews all over, not to mention the uproar that the Mishnah Brurah made 100
years ago. Rabbis were burning his books. And how about Art Scroll – are
thousands of people wrong for learning them? I bet that you have an art scroll
book or two at home in your library. A student walks in to see his Rebbi and
asks him “Rebbi, can I smoke while I am learning Torah?” The Rebbi answers “Of
course NOT!” The student comes back five minuets later and asks “Rebbi, while I
am smoking, can I learn?” the Rebbi says “But of course you could!” Now let me
ask you, your child asks you “Dad can I learn with Animated Talmud in school in
the class room? You answer him “Of course NOT!” Now your child asks you, “Dad,
after school for playtime, can I learn Animated Talmud” or “Dad, instead of
buying me the Tomb Rader game can you buy me Animated Talmud?” If at this point
you say “my son doesn’t play computer games,” well, I have to say that you are
the minority and tell you that a lot of boys today do play those games and they
spend a lot of money on them too. This goes for TV as well; wouldn’t you prefer
your son to watch the Talmud rather then watching the junk on TV? You could say
that you don’t have a TV but again have in mind the tens of thousands of Jewish
people out there who DO! And they are never going to learn the Talmud the way
you and I did and might never learn it at all if not for this program. How could
you deny all these people the chance to get involved in learning our holy
Talmud? I get a very large number of encouraging emails but here is one that I
got that was more on the discouraging side, and here is what I answered him. I
thought you might like to read it. Q. Someone sent me a link to your web site.
With all due respect this is degrading to our Holy Torah! Where has any amailut
in learning gone? Please forward any haskamot you have on this project. I am
glad of your interest in Animated Talmud. You sound offended that someone would
try and make our holy Talmud accessible to all Jews in all walks of life.
Unfortunately your comment reminds me of the Jews who did not think Kiruv was a
good idea. If another Jew did not have the same chances and background in
Judaism, he used to be left by the wayside. Baruch Hashem, Chabad and other
Kiruv movements did not let this happen. Many of us would not be here if it were
not for these caring Jews. Have you ever seen a learning challenged child
struggle to make sense of all the words floating by on a page of Talmud? Is this
child's Jewish soul not as important as yours or mine? True learning and
"amailut" can only happen once the basics are understood. The rewarding struggle
that goes on when truly delving into the Talmud will only happen once the
original concept is "chapped". Then, in depth discussion and "amailut" can take
place. I should not have to tell you this, as you sound like a learned person.
Animated Talmud is an introduction to the basics. Imagine how much more learning
can take place once the basic mishna is understood through some visual aid that
will without a doubt, stay in your mind. It is a teacher's dream come true. Now,
homework in fifth and sixth grade Jewish schools can be: Go home, and see the
animation on "Ailu Metziot." Tomorrow we will discuss the mishna further in
class. You can bet that all the young students will do as they are told and will
also remember what they saw, and most probably, they will participate in the
class discussion. One more thing, I recently showed this to a former Rebbi of
mine in Israel. He had tears in his eyes as he tolde, "I have been learning
Talmud for 60 some years, and I have gone over this section countless times. I
never really knew how flax is made and what the Mishna really meant when they
said "tow of flax"-until now. Sincerely, Benny Goldstein